

De geschiedenis van de Amsterdamse scheepsbouw en werkende motoren op unieke locatie in het centrum van Amsterdam!
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Amsterdam Seaport Days 2024
June 27 until June 30 2024
During the Seaport Days 2024, Museum 't Kromhout, together with Amports and Stadsherstel Amsterdam, organizes numerous activities:


·       Museum 't Kromhout open on Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30.
·       Sailing with historic ships, an old tugboat and a old passenger ferry (formerly from Volendam to Marken), both with a historic Kromhout engine. Multiple boarding points in the area.
·       Amsterdam's old fireboat, the Jan van der Heyde II (1930), also visits the museum's jetty, where you can also sail.
·       The English translation of the book “Motorship Bregetta, sailing through time 1914-2019” will be presented on Sunday, June 30 at 3 p.m. The author of the book and also owner is present. Her ship is moored at the museum. The presentation will be introduced by Midas Dekkers, a well-known writer/biologist but also a lover of historic ships;
·       Maritime walks Eastern Islands led by a guide along all maritime historical locations (twice a day).
·       Educational activities for children include a puzzle tour through the museum.

Tickets for the Maritime walks and for the combination boat trip and museum entrance can be purchased online at Tickets for the museum can be purchased on site. During both days there is a 50% discount on the entrance fee to the museum.




June 24 and 25, 2023, Amsterdam Harbor Days; together with Scheepvaartmuseum, Amports, Stadsherstel, and Museumhaven Amsterdam, Museum 't Kromhout organized a two-day program with various activities.


Weekend of Science with an extensive and diverse program, including blacksmithing, kids explorer tours, demonstrations of rotating engines, and a lecture on pollution in the Arctic region.


From May 21 to May 25, the pop-up exhibition Museum of Fossil Fuels was open to visit.



Amsterdam Harbor Days successful for Museum 't Kromhout! During the Amsterdam Harbor Days, Museum 't Kromhout, together with the Scheepvaartmuseum, provided a boat connection between both museums. Visitors could sail along with the ferry that used to connect Volendam and Marken until 1957. This resulted in a record number of visitors for the Museum. Thanks to the Scheepvaartmuseum, Amports, and Stadsherstel!



Amsterdam Museum and Museum om de Hoek have started a collaboration to set up a temporary exhibition Collecting the City within the theme 'Collect the city,' where the present and past of Amsterdam take a central place. In the Amsterdam Museum (the Hermitage), there is an overview of members of Museum om de Hoek. Visitors can get all information about the participating museums with a QR code and thereby get an impression of the present and past of the city.


In 2021, the Weekend of Science was visited by young and old alike! Volunteers provided demonstrations and explanations about the technology of combustion engines. All engines could be seen and heard in operation! Our youngest visitors could draw, craft, and explore in the museum!









Museum 't Kromhout is an excellent location for events, conferences, presentations, press meetings, meetings, weddings, receptions, and parties. Accessible by boat via the Nieuwe Vaart. Information? Stadsherstel Amsterdam, Phone: 020-520 0090, Email: